I'll Say She Is!
Sunday, 3 April 2005
"woo hoo! Cheap meat!"
Homer drooling

Helpful tip: If you buy the boneless skinless chicken from Albertson's when it goes on sale for $1.99/pound, do be sure to put it in the freezer as soon as you get home from the store, or else cook it that day.

On a related note, why do funky smells from things in your fridge drift up into the freezer first?

Posted by ginevra (link)
Yes, those smells do travel upwards. Maybe they are heavier or warmer or something. I don't think I will buy meat from Albertsons anymore.
The freezer helped me remember the cod Mr. Man purchased last week. Woo!
"Oh, my cod!" was something I thought was hilarious to say in the fourth grade.