I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 7 March 2005
Free Willy Shakespeare!
Shakespearean girlkisses

One cool thing about being an English major is that it's okay to find the hidden meaning in text (any text will do), even if it's dirty. It doesn't mean you have a filthy mind. It's not your fault there's a hidden subtext.

Of course, I don't think you're supposed to laugh with puerile glee until you snort, like I did, when I saw this local high school production being advertised:

free willy shakespeare

Posted by ginevra (link)
In response to your comment: actually, I did yoga here at home to a dvd I have. But if I am really gonna do it, I do it on campus. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11 A.M. a woman named Pam does it in Leach's room #2. She's really good and I reccomend that class.
Bwahahaha! "That's my willy" indeed...