I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 3 January 2005
World's Cutest Cat
worlds cutest cat

The World's Cutest Cat came to live with us about a year and a half ago. I'd post a picture, but she's apparently in the witness protection program. Every time a camera is aimed her way, she runs off.

Anyway, the World's Cutest Cat is now stretched out on top of the grocery list I was making. She's just so damned adorable. I have this theory that she was being held captive by an evil secret society that was breeding really cute cats that would then be given to world leaders. The world leaders would be so charmed that they would surrender all their secrets - aliens do exist, the codes for launching nuclear weapons, etc. But this cat didn't want to be involved in their nefarious plans and ran away. She's much safer with me, I don't have any secrets (well, none of them would threaten the world) and don't mind if she delays my list making.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Awwwwwww!!!!! So cuuuuutttteee!!!!!!
aw i love cats but i cry when they die.
awwwwwwwwwwwww thats sweet i have two cats and i think they are the cutest cats in the world but i havent seen every cat befor