I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 20 December 2004
Report Card, and then some
apothecary sign

I made two A's and one A-. Not bad, but grad student grades are a bit different; a B is grounds for alarm and below a B is failing.

I visited Mum last week, and got to spend some time with my brother. Mum is recovering from bronchitis, so I helped her with her shopping. It's nice to have the ability to spend more time with her now that I'm a full-time student.

We went down to Sid's for her annual Yule dinner; a great time was had by all, as usual. Good friends and good food.

Unfortunately, I now have a cold and a massive sore throat. I plan on massive amounts of sleeping to get over the thing. Ewww, snot is gross!

Posted by ginevra (link)
Congrats on your grades. I got all A's except in Fiction where she anal plowed me (B-)and even though I contested, she was a mega bitch about it. SO, I nearly slit my wrists but I am over it now, hanging out in the snow in Ohio. Hope you have a good Christmas!
Wow, I can't believe she did that to you! Drink some eggnog and enjoy the snow up there.
I am indeed enjoying the snow. It snowed a crapload. I am about to upload some photos to my site.