I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 16 October 2002
Two Fer Tuesday at the Spay/Neuter Clinic!

Ah, a day off. It's pretty much mandatory to take a day off after Chuck-A-Palooza, the week-long seminar taught by Uncle Chuckie and produced by us wage slaves in Marketing. My soup-ervisor got Monday, I got Tuesday. I was fantasizing about what I could do with my blissful, work-free day to myself. Let's see: sleep in (which to me is sleeping till 7:30 AM) get a massage and pedicure, go to the mall...

But such pipe dreams were not to be. First of all, I didn't have enough money for a massage, and with my possibly-broken toe, a pedicure was right out. Then came the realization that we better get the outside cat fixed before she made some adorable kittens; and the new inside cat needed fixing too, since sleeping while she's screaming for kitty love is darn near impossible. So, bright an early at 6:45, I was on my way to the Humane Society's Low Cost Spay Neuter Clinic. I felt a little guilty taking the cats to the low cost clinic; I'm not exactly poor. But our vet wanted something like $125 for each kitty hysterectomy. So that guilt is long gone.

Did you know that the volume of a barking dog is magnified about 300% in a tile-walled room? The lady tried covering the dog carrier, thinking that, like birds, dogs would go to sleep if their cages are covered. That trick almost never works, it turns out. The cutest sight was this young, tough-looking guy with two little kitties. He talked to them and reassured them - awwwww, how cute! I was told to come back around 2, as my cats were "due to be second on the table." That creeped me out.

So, instead of being pampered and spending money, I did my part to end pet overpopulation, cleaned my sewing room, ran some errands, and got my auto tag renewed. Do I know how to party or what?

Posted by ginevra (link)
Still had more fun than I did my entire week-long vacation. Sad, wot?
We are BOTH sad, I'd say. If taking kitties to and from surgery was more fun than your vacation, well...I'm almost afraid to ask.
Babysitting. I spent a week doing babysitting for three-year-olds. I left the house ONCE in an eight-day period... and that was to walk to the store for some groceries.