I'll Say She Is!
Sunday, 10 October 2004
What I'm up against
amadeus grad school writing

"Trying to write something fresh about Jane Austen is like tiptoeing through a ploughed field in the hope of finding virgin soil, only to discover that much of the earth has already been turned." Audrey Hawkridge, Jane and Her Gentlemen.

And all I need to do is squeeze out a tiny paper on Sense and Sensibility. Jane was pretty caustic, she snuck in a zinger every now and then, but the pace of her novels is a bit slow for us modern readers. And English society in her day was so boring! Geez, no wonder you could assume that if you talked with a gentleman in a drawing room after tea or waltzing that he might want to marry you, because your life was so damn dull!

Anyway, I'm making slight progress, I hope to have a draft of the thing finished by tonight. I'm making steak with blue cheese and baked potatoes for dinner, sounds yummy, huh?

Posted by ginevra (link)
Yes, that does sound yummy. Too bad I no longer allow myself cheese or dressing with cheese of any sort. :(
I couldn't do without cheese every now and then, nosir.
Yeah I love it a lot too but it's loaded with fat and I am trying to cut down.
To quote Homer Simpson, "Couldn't you try a non-delicious fat? Oh, there's no such thing!"
Exactly. And it's a sad thing, knowing that I won't be enjoying those delicious fat particles... as often.
Just don't deny yourself too many things - you'll explode!
Guess I missed dinner, huh? Sounded good, too. Damn.

Regency England wasn't THAT boring, otherwise Austen wouldn't have been able to include items like Lydia and Wickham (P&P) or Willoughby's behaviour without causing scandal. Society just applied standards in a hypocritical manner. A case of "do as we say, not as we do."

Jane is one of my favorite authors, resulting in 2 of our cats' names - Darcey & Knightley. (Try explaining those to a vet!) I try to read her books (all six) at least once every couple of years.
It's good stuff, don't get me wrong; maybe it's the pace of the class. It feels like we've been talking about Sense and Sensibility for two months now. A little drawn out, even for me.
I hate the fact that during that time period no one could actually say what they felt - as it wasn't polite. Hence the Shakespearian plotlines. Still, Sense & Sensibility is one of my favorites. I (heart) Col. Brandon!!!!!!