I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 12 August 2004
Bonnie and Clyde Charley
CNR uncle croc

Tropical Storm Bonnie provided lots of rain. It's been a rainy week even before the storm, but our apartment complex has excellent drainage; I was concerned because the front of the apartment is at the bottom of a small hill, but the rainwater just flowed down the street. There's a concrete culvert in the back yard that guided the stormwater away. I slept through most of the morning.

The media tend to whip themselves into a frenzy over these Florida storms, fervently urging us all to buy batteries, canned goods, and plywood, which always makes me think they are in the pockets of the grocery and home improvement industry. I remember watching one reporter out on the beach during one of these storms trying to make everything sound worse than it was - then, this older couple strolled hand-in-hand through the background, dispelling his tale of woe.

The next challenge is Charley (isn't that usually spelled 'Charlie'?) which, unfortunately, looks like it's much stronger than Bonnie and may very well plow through the old stomping grounds where our friends are. Stay safe and dry, everybody.

Posted by ginevra (link)