I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 28 June 2004
School Daze
sil pen

At last - after my quest began in September, her I am. now officially a graduate student. This morning I attended my first class. Fortunately for my ego it appears that I am not the oldest one there. Everyone's very nice so far, the weather is great - hot but not unbearable. Best of all, my books were free. Seems the freshman English program here is so massive that the textbook companies don't mind giving up some free books for good p.r. Sweet. Of course, that means lots of reading, not that there's anything wrong with that.

I'll be splitting my time between here and there as we gradually make the move. Maybe that's why I haven't been all wound up and nervous, since my stuff isn't here yet; or maybe it's because the ordeal of getting into grad school was such a pain that it wore me down. But I am excited about the next two years.

I appreciate all the support that my friends have given me. I know it's not easy to let someone go off and pursue some crazy dream. But, I gotta be me!

Posted by ginevra (link)