I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 6 May 2004
Warning to Customer Service Types

Jovial Bob, who does customer service / support around here, told me that he was "stalked" by a customer! We have little bios of each person who does customer contact-type stuff on the corporate web site. It's nothing intimate, basically a picture along with any experience or schooling the person has, along with a work e-mail addy. A customer Googled Jovial Bob, found his home phone number, and called him at his house late one night for some help on a project!

Well, Jovial Bob lived up to the nickname I've given him, stayed on the phone with the person - and then charged the company for an hour of his time - fortunately, he's hourly and not salaried. I told him it sounded like it was time for him to get an unlisted telephone number!

Posted by ginevra (link)
That is just so wrong on so many levels... did anyone at the Citadel of Despair express their appreciation of his noble self-sacrifice?

Oh, and I hope Jovial Bob clocked his hour in as OVERTIME. Bastards.
I've only heard his side of the story; I do know that the "higher-ups" have wanted 24-7 support for a while. Since he will get overtime, we'll see how long it lasts.
NO LAST NAMES on company bios for NON-senior/managierial staff!