I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 3 May 2004
Give the people what they want

Today I deliberately designed what I consider to be an ugly web page. I made it extra ugly on purpose because that is what the "higher-ups" want. They were thrilled with it. I am gratified that I cannot unveil it to you at this time.

Since I've learned to embrace bad design concepts for the good of my sanity - in other words, no use in getting upset if you can't get someone to see what you think is reason - I've been a lot less upset at things I cannot change anyway. Good life lesson, dontcha think?

Posted by ginevra (link)
Just because you think something is lovely doesn't mean the paying customer does. I have been in your situation many times. You have to do what makes the customer happy or else there will be no paycheck. Besides, that's what hobbies are for - self satisfaction. And we both have lots of diversions!
I agree, but for a while there it was making me insane, because they want such unprofessional, confusing things on a corporate web site! But I've already said too much...