I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 29 April 2004
When is a computer lab not a computer lab?
dumb entrance sign

I saw this rather confusing set of signs during my visit to the English department a couple of weeks ago.

which is it

Posted by ginevra (link)
Ceci n'est pas une computer lab.

This happens in schools all the time. When they build new stuff, there is funding for room signs. The signs have to be made, so labels are placed on rooms that may never actually be accurate. Gods forbid that we simply have a room number!

And part of my job is to tell schools who have already spent $$ on signs that they have to be switched to Braille. In which case I suggest that they just go with room numbers. But then, they send signs with numbers for places like the Restrooms, but don't order men/woman differentiation Braille. yay.
