I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 12 April 2004
Another installment of Found Poetry
deeply stupid

The first part of this one was inspired by a recent "found / spam" poem composed by Faciteundas; he did some neat things with repeating a motif. I am still working on one in iambic pentameter, but rhyming is proving to be a bit of a problem.

Escaping Offshore

Just a thought
Hi, a question for you
Wanted to share something with you
Check it out
Haven't seen you around
Pantomime hubbub
Wrathful bridegroom
Super Penile Machiavelli
Algorithmic cramp
Guaranteed by science to work
Attract and seduce men
Escort misogynist hoof
Pornography aforethought contemptuous
Derange wail
Goal: Sacramento frigid
Hobbyhorse concocter shame

Posted by ginevra (link)
There's a place here in Kansas City called Loose Park that has a winding concrete path, and every few weeks this unknown guy comes out at an obscene hour and composes a poem in chalk. Sometimes they're actually not bad. However, the last one was about vaginas.
Vagina Verses - a spin-off from the Vagina Monologues!