I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 22 March 2004
"You know, black and white would just capture the moment so nicely, don't you think?"

Spent the weekend at Mum's; my big brother had a milestone birthday Friday which we celebrated in typical low key fashion. We had a nice visit, and spent hours looking at Mum's collection of family photos.

I think that we should all go back to black and white film! So classy! And the cameras back then - well, I suppose it was the film, the negatives were about as big as the 3" x 3" images they created. Everything was so artsy! (I should hasten to add that, of course, these black and white pics were all before my time here on Earth.) Here are a couple of treasures I brought home with me.

grandma with cool glasses

My brother quipped that back then, people wore those sorts of eyeglasses with "no sense of irony". That's my grandmother, by the way.

tourists in the 50s

I have no idea who the puzzled lady is. This is just your average tourist shot of a Bavarian castle - but look how cool it is, thanks to black and white!

Well. lucky for you that's all the time I have today to post pictures. I'll probably cull some more interesting shots in the next few days. You've been warned. A prize to whoever can name where the title of this entry originated.

Posted by ginevra (link)