I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 24 November 2003
"Hey kids, don't put your lips on that!"
what the heck is that

This bears repeating...I mean, really, what the heck is that? It either proves the existence of a deity, because it's just too freaky to have originated out of the primordial ooze without a bit of divine guidance, or else it disproves the existence of a deity, because if there were a deity how could it let such a weird thing grow on trees? Did I mention I'm all woozy with dental woe?

Does anyone know how to spell deity? Diety? Demi god, god, Mr. Manfrensengen...I are an Englsih major...heh.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I *think* it's an osage orange, also called a hedge apple. If you cut it open, it is extremely sticky, and sweet smelling. It is poisonous, iirc.

Check out hedgeapple.com
and osageorange.com -(warning, not for the squemish)
You're right about that second site, someone used one to kill Bambi!
That just made me queasy!
Oh no, was it the osage orange or the deer?