I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 19 November 2003
Why it's called massage "therapy"

As I've written here before, I adore Renee, Renee of the unspellable/unpronouncable French last name, Renee the massage goddess, Renee, my LMT. I have decided to have one visit with Renee a month. I'm so refreshed afterwards, even if my back or neck aren't bothering me. (Though I got stuck in evil traffic and almost lost my buzz this time.) Usually she plays fairly harmless American Indian-ish flute music, but yesterday's session started with ocean sounds. The ocean was too...active, way too much splashing going on, I kept thinking the tide was coming in and was going to wreck my sand castle. She asked if I wanted different music - could she tell? No, more likely she knew that her men clients like the ocean more than the ladies do.

We don't talk quite as much as hairstylist and client, but we chat some. She is superior to any head shrink, because I feel so much better, physically and emotionally, after each session.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Thank god it is called therapy. If I hear the term massage parlour 1 more time, I'll have to shoot a reporter. You go girl, massage therapy will bolster your immune system. Try going 2-3 times a month during the cold season and espesically when you are stressed.
Anything I can do to support the noble profession of reputable LMTs!