I'll Say She Is!
Sunday, 28 September 2003
warning - football / Limbaugh rant, contains a potty-mouth word

So I'm watching ESPN's NFL Sunday Countdown, because I adore Chris Burman, and they're talking about Donovan McNabb - should he be benched? As you may know, Rush Limbaugh is on the program - on the other side of the studio from Chris and the other guys. Now, I was willing to give Rush a chance, after all, Dennis Miller got a shot at MNF. But when Limbaugh pipes up and says that the media really loves McNabb, because everyone wants to see a black quarterback succeed, and McNabb wasn't all that talented, well, I just wanted to lob a brick at that SOB. Keep your fuckin' racist, controversy-for-controversy's sake mouth shut and let the football pros do the talking! Ass!!!!

P.S. - please read all my comments before you totally flame me!

Posted by ginevra (link)
Howard Cosell, the greatest announcer ever gets fired for saying "Look at that monkey run", and Rush gets to keep his job. Jackass.
I love how they have Rush segregated on the other side of the studio. I think he has to push a button when he wants to say something. A graphic pops up on the screen, so viewers know it's safe to take a nacho / beer break at that time.
I am not watching anything owned or related to Disney until that Jackass is fired.
Who is the racist? I think it could be said that if the media hyped this guy because he was African-American only to see him fail is pretty racist. Such harsh narrow minded opinions for such a benign statement. I think the prejudice is more against Mr. Limbaugh than anything else.
I'd just like us to get past the whole black quarterback thing. Surely the NFL is at that point by now, that we can just discuss whether or not the player sucks without mentioning his color.
Understandably, I suppose, Americans are over-sensitized to things they may perceive as racist. If anything, people are being racist toward Rush. McNabb is excellent, no doubt... but so's his team. Funny how somebody with white skin can't criticize anything at all about a "minority" in a free country, but when Chris Rock repeatedly uses rubbish like "honky" and "cracker" in his so-called stand-up comedy nobody utters a word about his blatant racism. How about this for actual racism: BET. Yup, Black Entertainment Television. Their name alone says they support segregation.
Enough from me. Thanks for reading it and have a good day.
Didja see this? http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2003/football/nfl/09/30/bc.fbn.mcnabb.limbaugh.ap/index.html?cnn=yes
Well, poo. Doesn't look like the full link made it into the comment... Anyway, it's on CNN's SI page. Apparently Rush is getting some feedback on the comment he made.

The thing we all must remember about Rush is that he makes these statements not necessarily because he believes them, but because he knows that if he says them he'll get attention. He's a classic attention slut.
stonecold you are my hero! I agree with every letter you typed.

I watch football for pure entertainment. Rush's sensationalism is not my style of entertainment. I'm not for political correctness, again, would just like to see folks move beyond the whole black quarterback discussion, which by this time should be moot.
The thing we all must remember about Rush is that he makes these statements not necessarily because he believes them, but because he knows that if he says them he'll get attention. He's a classic attention slut.

Well, yeah. He wouldn't have generated any press for himself had he merely said "I don't think he's been that good from the get-go. There is a little hope invested in McNabb and he got a lot of credit for the performance of this team that he didn't deserve. The defense carried this team."

But throwing in a comment about skin color (and, of course, the old "media conspiracy" canard) pretty much guaranteed that people would talk about him.

And witness how successful he's been; the referrer logs for shipbrook.com have registered nearly 200 search engine hits about "limbaugh mcnabb" in just the last six hours. Judging from some of the comments here, at least a portion of those are dittoheads scouring the net looking for the opportunity to attack anybody who dares criticize their hero.

Rush Limbaugh has proven again that he is a "Big fat Idiot" A no nothing. "Hey, Rush you ass. Look at the stats you racist bastard".
if rush limbaugh thinks mcnabb is overrated and the defense should get credit for the team's past success, than so be it... thats all he needed to say...
but what type of asshole would stoop so low to say the media only gives him credit because he's black...
is that supposed to be some type of social commentary? is ESPN rush's new venue for expressing his loud mouth political opinions? this guys a dick - he has no business making such ignorant, attention craving idiotic statements...
It's not just Limbaugh. Other commentators have refused to notice that McNabb is a smart QB.
I happen to be Italian, not that anything like that matters. I think people are WAY....OVERSENSITIVE AND NEED TO GET A LIFE OR A JOB. Then again if they are a democrat, they have neither.
stonecold has point, but two wrongs don't make a right.Anybody who's listened to his radio show knows that he says this kind of stuff all the time. He's a fucking racist, plain and simple.
This is pretty simple. No need for deep socio-cultural analysis here STONECOLD. The comment was garbage simply put. This was a sports show. We should not make excuses for his inexperience in the game. Philly's heart is in Tampa anyway. Besides, I thought the media was pushing for a successful white, midget female, Green Party halfback. By the way Chris Rock is a comedian who uses the N word and offends brown people too! I doubt that he is considered a leader. Maybe Rush is a comedian too and we should all be laughing?

Did Jim really write "A no nothing"? Maybe Jim is stoopid!
"Besides, I thought the media was pushing for a successful white, midget female, Green Party halfback."

Bwah ha ha! Good one!
For the record, I heard a blurb on the radio and wanted to find the details. I did a google search on McNabb Limbaugh and this page popped up. This site is great. I guess something good did come from his comments.
Cool beans, thanks!
Well, apparently the whole thing is a moot point anyway. Limbaugh resigned over the controversy (but according to that article, that's the least of his problems right now).

Ha, this is being chewed over on CNN for the nth time as I read your entry (their cute little graphic title for it: "Rush to Judgement"). I'm just waiting for Al Franken to change the title of his book some years ago to "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Stoned Idiot".