I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 26 August 2003
Another satisfied customer

Recently received this eBay feedback - "You were right - this fabric is SO COOL!!!! Great to do business with you!"

Stage One of Operation: Buy My Stuff is complete, I have sufficiently thinned out my costuming fabric stash thanks to the wonder that is eBay. Next week is Stage Two, where I will finally sell my red Elizabethan outfit, a somewhat creepy repro wallhanging from the Unicorn Hunt tapestries, an inflatable mummy (what do I need with two inflatable mummies?) as well as some jewelry that is left over from my previous life. (And yes, Sid, I know I need to sell that sculpture thing - I need to weigh it and figure out shipping, which may be a bit $$$.) And speaking of feedback - do most people on eBay not leave feedback? Why am I spending precious seconds of my time when I don't get the same mad props in return?

Posted by ginevra (link)
I don't know why my brain can't wrap itself around remembering to send you the hockey glove info.
This your 500th entry! You should get a prize or something from someone.
Wow, 500 entries and I still can't shut up!
So your blog is a year younger than mine, and you're only sixty-four entries behind me?

Man, I am such a slacker.

What do you need with ONE inflatable mummies? =)
what do I need with two inflatable mummies

Won't one get lonely without the other?