I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 8 August 2003
Don't whistle while you work - please!

There are two types of people in my office - the whistlers and those driven mad by the whistling. I have never before encountered a workplace with so many whistlers. And it's not like they're virtuosos (virtuosi?), they repeat the same phrase of music over and over and over.

Posted by ginevra (link)
d00d, I hate people who sing in the workplace. I used to work next to the Singing Jehova's Witness. She would sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and "Good Ship Lollipop." And those were her two very favorite songs, so she sang them often. I've never understood these people. Do they not understand the nature of modern office space? Do they think Mariah Carey's ex who runs three record companies is going to come wandering down the hall and gasp, "My God! A Star!"
OMG, that's awful!
Fortunately, people don't sing in the office I now work at. But the girl in the office next to me does leave her Norah Jones CD playing all the time and checks her voicemail with the volume turned all the way up and the door open. But she doesn't sing.
Actually, now when I am going through a really bad moment in my life I always have to ask myself the question, "Is there a Jehova's Witness next to me singing?" and if the answer is No, I think, well then it can't possibly be really that bad, really.
It's all perspective -too right!
We had a guy working here who was basically a surly Huckleberry Hound. He would whistle the first 7 notes of 'Old MacDonald' over and over and over and over.
He would also sing 'Zip-a-dee-doo-da' and 'Jingle Bells', whenever. Not to mention all the coffee slurping by my desk.
I think this sort of things is grounds for justifiable assault and battery.