I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 21 July 2003
Time For Your Midafternoon Rant

ARHGH! There is no emoticon to express how much I absolutely despise Microslop Word. And with the regime change, the mandate is that all materials will stay in the dreaded program as much as possible. So here I am, working on this stupid-ass program, with these stupid frames and boxes and a total inability to do decent text wrap...AND I have to do that "track changes" thing, which is incredibly annoying. It's crazy, I tell you!

Posted by ginevra (link)
I feel your pain. We have some gigantor document management system, which allows people in Seattle and Hong Kong and Beijing and Chicago and Menlo Park to all look at one document on their servers and see the same thing (since also about 3 people in the whole huge firm have the rights to change one of those documents). The drawback? It is based upon Microsoft Word 97. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Microsoft Word 97. Love the suck.

Word 97?!?!?! The mind boggles.