I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 9 July 2003
Oddly Enough, The Design World Does NOT Revolve Around Microsoft Word!

No, I don't design brochures in Word. I use a real layout program, like Pagemaker or Photoshop.

No, I don't design our website and our e-mail blasts in Word. I use Dreamweaver. (Yes, I know you can craft masterpieces using plain ol' HTML in Notepad, Godfrey, but that's kinda time-consuming to the average human being.)

But, to be accomodating to the desires of a few, I have to cut and paste things in and out of Word. Blech.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I can't stand Word as an HTML editor. It sticks it's own messed up code in and it's just a headache to get rid of it to format the pages the way you want them to look.
Dreamweaver has this way-cool "clean up Word html" command that saves my bacon.
Dreamweaver WHOO! I miss Dreamweaver. Damn. Num num.

Word....oh, ugh, ghod, aaagh. Word as an HTML editor? blargh.
Yep. Gotta cut and paste because people don't want to have to write things out on a print-out.