I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 30 June 2003
PPF Fun and Games
GreyDuck's Meme:

PAST: What game did you really enjoy playing as a child?

I can't really remember enjoying board games all that much, I seemed to have lacked patience back then (big shock). I think I enjoyed Uno, and I have some fond memories of playing a card game called "Spite and Malice" in the summertime with my grandmother and aunties.

PRESENT: How about now? Do you play at all, or have you grown too old for that sort of silliness?

We have a friend who's nuts for all these whacky, off-beat games, mostly made by a company called "Cheap-ass Games" (I think). When we visit him we'll spend hours, every time a new game or two. It's been some time since the gang has played that French card game with the driving motif, the name of which escapes me.

FUTURE: What game will you be infamous for playing in your later years?

Whatever the volunteers who visit the poor old folks home want to play.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Mille Borne. My sis and I played that game all the time during one stretch of our childhood...
MB is one of my all-time favorites. I learned it in I believe 6th grade French, and have played it for years.
"I will Coup-Fourre your ass!"
"Rally 1000", a Mille Bornes clone, is the most frequently used application on my PDA.

Hmmm... when you throw down an accident card in MB, does that mean you're causing a bloody coupe?

Actually, Coup Fourre is a French fencing term for 'counter thrust'
I was making a pun. Coupe (two-door automobile) as opposed to coup (unexpected stroke, act, or move).

Mille Bourne, loved that game