I'll Say She Is!
Sunday, 15 June 2003
Fresh from the Tampa Fibune

This is just one of the reasons why I dropped out of journalism school and ran pell-mell toward a mostly useless degree in English Lit. It's a pity-party article about fathers who have to spend Father's Day in jail. WTF? Should we let them out of prison because they have kids? "What's that? You knocked over a liquor store, but since you miss your little daughter we should let you out? Right then, off you go!" What about all the inmates who don't have kids, are they somehow worse people than the jerks who broke the law and happened to have fathered kids? This ticks me off because it implies that people who have children are somehow more deserving of compassion than those who do not. I'm so tired of that sentiment in our culture. Not to mention the whole blasé way the crimes of these dads are just glossed over - "serving time for violation of probation for a cocaine possession charge", "serving time for aggravated battery", "heroin possession charge". These are not nice guys who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Here's a crazy idea, maybe they should have thought about their kids before committing crime?

Posted by ginevra (link)
i'm sick of the "breeders" feeling entitled to sick days becasue thier kids are sicsk AGAIN, or a boss asking a non-breeder to cover a prjct or work overtime while all the breeders go home exactly on time and be with thier families. Non-breders have families and stuff to do too, hell they might be mqrried, just no kids. Who's fault is that?

Whew. When "family values" collides with "tough on crime," the casualty would appear to be "common sense." Not, mind you, that common sense ever gets to win in this day and age, wot?
The ability to procreate has always been lauded as a specialize skill. When someone's pregnant, everyone is so astounded; "Congratulations!" They exclaim, as if having sex without birth control took years of training and education.