I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 12 June 2003
More Reasons to be Depressed

I got the shocking news that Amanda's mom died yesterday afternoon. I worked with Denise at my previous place of employment for about four years. Denise was this petite, Italian-Cuban lady who was everyone's mom. She had a strong work ethic, a strict sense of right and wrong, liked taking care of people, would go the extra mile for her friends and would do anything for her daughter. I don't know how she held it together; working two jobs, long drives to and from work, getting pressure from supervisors for her absenses due to Amanda's frequent doctor and hospital visits (like she was having fun in the waiting room), money worries a-plenty. I just saw her a couple of weeks ago, 'D' looked tired but was her usual chipper self. God, I can remember when I worked with her that she would show me where things were on her desk, assignments she was working on and such, so I would know where everything was "in case I die or something".

The cause of death hasn't been determined yet. She wasn't that old. No-one wanted to tell Amanda what happened, so the doctors told her of her mother's passing. She was comforting people after the fact. I'm sure it hasn't sunk in yet. That kid has had so much to deal with-absent father, painful illness, and now this. Thankfully, Denise's sister is stepping in to gain guardianship. She has her grandmother and a lot of friends and family who care about her.

It's frightening to realize that we can lose someone so suddenly. Hopefully those close to me know how much they've meant to me. Frequently you don't get a chance to say good bye.

Yesterday was pretty sucky, but that phone call last night proved that no matter how bad your day is, things can always get worse. I want to go home, drink several beers, and curl up in bed.

Posted by ginevra (link)
I still haven't gotten a grasp on it.
If anyone talks to the sister, find out if there's a foundation or Non-profit organization set up for people to donate to. These are set up so multiple people can donate to one acct for a charitable purpose.
Last time I talked to Denise, her relative hadn't held the fundraiser for Amanda yet (up in NY); hopefully I'll hear more soon.
I had a good cry last night. I did not know her as well as you, but I thought she was a great person. I mean, the first time I met her she invited us over to make cookies. One more hard working, unselfish and above par person the world has lost. The whole thing sucks.