I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 10 June 2003

I haven't checked my e-mail since Thursday, so I'm not being a jerk and ignoring you if you've written me since then - this time. I'll be catching up on my correspondence tonight.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Yeah right, you're just a Laurel now, with no time for the sweaty commoner.
Yeah, and I'm gonna quit making late period garb too.
¡Hey, it's all the rage, at least among the female Laurels of Trimaris!

Elspeth: Elizabethan -> tunics
Genevieve: Cavalier -> Viking
Oriana: Italian Ren -> tunics
Katherine Angelique: Elizabethan -> Mongol
Anastasiya: Elizabethan -> Viking
Dulcia: Elizabethan -> "Viking" with big inflatable sword or plushie sheep purse

On the other hand, sixth-century Fiona's been in late-period more often recently. ¿Are we in Bizarro World?

Nice touch with the sexed-up punctuation!
Genevieve has an excused absence from late period because of her baby.