I'll Say She Is!
Saturday, 10 May 2003
"God help you if I find any pickles!"

At the local Chick-fil-A this very afternoon, I politely requested that my traditional chicken sandwich be prepared with lettuce and tomato, no pickles. The sandwich came thoughtfully packaged in a foil envelope, embellished with two bright orange labels - "Deluxe" and "No Pickles". Yet, deceitfully concealed beneath the soft green lettuce, there awaited three horrific pickles, lurking, thinking to entrap me with their foulness. Fortunately I spotted them before there was a danger of me inadvertently consuming them.

By Grabthar's Hammer, I will be avenged!

Posted by ginevra (link)
OH MY GOD!! i love that movie! LOVE love!

(Go rent "galaxy quest" folsk, trust me, it's WAYY great.)
Karen laughs at me because I watch Galazy Quest so frequently. (Of course, she's the one who can recite all the lines for Better Off Dead.)

I love the Thermian-language soundtrack on the DVD. It's hilarious. But I pity the voiceover actors who had to do it...


Is that the one ithSegourney Weaver;s breasts?

The Thermian language track is cute for about 1 minute, my dear. And yes, it's the one with a blonde SW's boobies prominently featured.
Cute, schmute. I just think it's impressive that they kept up the joke for the entire movie.