I'll Say She Is!
Tuesday, 18 March 2003
More Unexpected Events

So, at the urging of the VP of Marketing, I went to a company-sponsored "You've been laid off, now what?" type seminar this morning. It was held in some crummy Holiday Inn near the office. I got my hopes up when I saw a Dunkin Donuts delivery van in the parking lot, complete with a giant donut strapped to the top of it. No donuts for us, just crappy Holiday Inn danishes. As I sat, bored while the facilitator was telling me fascinating things like, "use action words in your resume", the HR person came and got me out of the meeting. "Our web designer has turned in her resignation. We want to talk to you."

Now, this is very cool except I have very little ability in the web department. And, as I sat with the two HR people and my Soup, I was very honest about that. I know basic HTML, and little else. I would need to take a Dreamweaver class or two. That was okay - they were willing to pay for that, in fact. They sent me home, telling me not to get my hopes up. Meanwhile, I lunched with Lisa and attacked Mount Laundry.

I just got the phone call inviting me back officially as web designer. That was the quickest rehire in history, I think. I'm honestly nervous about the new position, but all parties concerned know what we're all getting into. The current web designer is a GLOM (one of the Gorgeous Ladies of Marketing), so I'm going to be picking her brain for the next two weeks, to say the least. And, I got a raise. So, for the moment anyway, it's all good. I just hope the economy turns around, or I could be in the same boat in a few months. At least I'll be able to add to the ol' curriculum vita.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Congratulations! You got a raise, a new job at the same place and free training to expand your resume. Your rock! Before you know it, you'll be doing flexible page layouts and making disjointed rollovers using Swap Image behavior (whatever that means).

I highly recommend bookmarking The Dreamweaver FAQ. It seems to have to some excellent articles with clear examples on how to make Dreamweaver dance for ya. I've never used Dreamweaver, but it's nice to have as many resources on a program as you can, especially one's written in English.
Congratulations! Sounds like a great opportunity - I am sure you will rise to the challenge.
That's very good! Take advantage of the learning opportunity and pad your resume! I'm glad it'a all working out for you!
Thanks, guys! I realize just how lucky I am. I was dreading going through the job hunting process; even if I've only delayed it, that's okay by me.
Woohoo! See what happens when you're cool? People want you no matter what you know. The only downside is you'll probably have Gary Wright running through your head during training.
WOOOHOO! That is great news. I have even better news: Dreamweaver is sooooo easy. I conned my last employer into paying for the intermediate and advanced courses, and it's very user-friendly and has an "intuitive" interface (translation = me, your stereotypical English major who knows very little HTML, had no problem with it).
Drat it, I keep revealing my email addy....
I've fixed it, Moira. Be sure to plug in your URL next time you comment on Karen's blog.

I shall refrain from commenting on Dreamweaver, as I have no experience with it or FrontPage. I suppose I should probably learn, to beef up my own résumé.

Yay! I would like to think my crap that I returned to at work deflected your crap, but likely we all had every bit of the good and bad comming to us anyhow.
Oh wow. Take the turn of good fortune and run with it, run as fast and hard as you can. Income + More New Experiences = Very Good Thing.

Dreamweaver is the WAY to go, every web place I worked at usedit, and it really easy to use.
I think I have a pc copy, and I know I have a mac copy, email me.
Okay, I'm officially an Old Fart. "Bah! Back in my day, you whippersnappers, we used to craft every single Web page by hand in a plaintext editor! We didn't use Dreamweaver nor HotMetal, and we uploaded our pages with FTP — none o' that poncin' around with FrontPage! And we laughed at people who used the <blink> tag — oh, how we laughed!"

Hmm... That was supposed to be the "Old Coot" voice, but "Spare Head Three" crept in there for a bit.