I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 6 February 2003
Visconti - good eating!

I'm not exactly sure why someone would name a snack food after an Italian dynasty. But with a name like Visconti, it has to be good!

Posted by ginevra (link)
I can't tell, are they cupcakes or balls of yarn? Perhaps some kind of clever Italian combination?
I think they're jimmies, or sprinkles, if you prefer that term. I think. And actually, I think this is a South American delicacy.
I dunno; they kind of look like shots to me.

Granulado folia; doesn't that mean ground up plants?
As for your shots, Jeff, ask Darren what he calls them, he's from Boston.
Okay. Darren, what do you call them?

Jimmies. Never sprinkles.