I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 29 January 2003
Something Stupid

Day 1: Subject's desk drawers somehow lock themselves, something that has happened before. In the past, subject has unlocked drawers with key. However, subject does something stupid this time - sticks a straightened paper clip into lock. Paper clip breaks. Subject swears. Observer suggests calling building supervisor. Subject is too proud/stubborn/embarrassed to do so, and continues to fiddle with lock and a second paper clip.

Day 2: More fiddling, with no success. Lock itself now protruding by 1/4" more than normal.

Day 3: Subject brings in needle nose pliers to deal with situation. After some tugging, paper clip now has additional 1/4" projecting out of lock. Subject thinks wistfully of flavored Tootsie Rolls, Snackwells mini chocolate chip cookies, and SlimFast shakes locked away and out of her reach.

Day 4: Very loud and off-key singing of custodian affects mental health of subject; headphones are locked away in desk. In desperation, subject grabs needle nose pliers and manages to completely remove paper clip. With the way cleared, subject inserts key into lock. Lock clicks but remains locked; drawers appear to now have only "locked" and "really locked" options. Subject removes key, and cylindrical lock comes out with it. Fascinated, subject briefly studies object of frustration before reinstalling it. At last, lock opens with a turn of the key. Subject gleefully removes headphones and vows to never again close desk drawers.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Well, if that ever happens again, this might come in handy.

Ooooh! Whatever Jeff linked you to is blocked by the management here at work!

Ditto. It must be dirty.
It's the MIT Guide to Lockpicking. For educational purposes only, of course.