An opthamologist told me several years ago that I slept with my eyes open. No, he didn't sleep with me; he figured this out since I often have red, dry eyes in the morning. This fact also explained all the dreams I have had that take place in the bedroom - my brain was just being lazy, choosing the setting that I was already looking at for my REM festivities. Stupid brain.
Yesterday when I got home from work, I decided to have a bit of a lie-down before fixing dinner. I woke up at 11:30 pm. Jeff came in to check on me to discover me lying there, staring straight ahead. He checked to see that I was breathing, but maybe he should have put coins on my eyes, because I still had my contacts in! Once I awoke from my light coma, I was able to remove them, but very carefully. I asked him if my eyes rolled up in my head, like dogs' eyes do when they're sleeping, but he said no, I was just staring. Anyway, that was very weird, and now Jeff can tell you what I will look like dead. (Also because he's seen me without makeup.)