I'll Say She Is!
Thursday, 9 January 2003
Ours is Not to Question Why

This morning, I was asked to scan the following image for el presidente of the company.

New employee incentive plan?
Posted by ginevra (link)
Hooray, you're back!

Regarding that picture... Why?!
I'm afraid to find out why!
Actually, this is a terrific way to grill chicken. It goes well with beer rolls and kraut. No lie.
The mind... bawks... at contemplating why they wanted this image scanned...
yeah, it's a FAB way to roast chicken, sink a open can of beer up it's butt and dont touch it for two hours... but that not beer.. what are those cans?
If those are Cornish game hens, they might be Budweiser cans. Or "Buttweiser", given the situation.

Maaybe they're cans of Chef Boyardee?