I'll Say She Is!
Wednesday, 11 December 2002
Christma$ Commercials That Suck

No blog is complete this time of year without at least one complaint about a Christma$ commercial. I despise the Lexus commercials, where the yuppies surprise their spouses with the gift of expensive cars. I remember when Dad brought home an Audi - boy was Mom pissed. Not at all like the ad in question.

A new commercial on my list is the one where the guy has brought his woman to a palazzo in Italy. "I love this woman!" he shouts. She's all embarrassed. Then he gives her a diamond necklace. "I love this man," she whispers in a husky voice. The implication being, she didn't love him until he gave her expensive jewelry - that's how I read that one.

Ladies, if a man takes you to Italy, you let him shout whatever he wants, unless it will incite a riot.

Posted by ginevra (link)
Y'know, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought the woman in that commercial was shallow. Sure, she likes him enough to be with him in Italy, but she doesn't say she loves him until he gives her expensive jewelry. Is the subliminal suggestion to young women that the real mark of true love is a ring with a pricy rock on it? The subliminal message to men is just as bad.
Which subliminal message? This one?

Subliminal hell. You should see the billboards around this town lately. It's all about the glittery rocks, baby. Message, in short: You don't deserve her unless you buy her one of THESE. Preferably several.
"I love this diama.. er, man!"
This is driving me crazy. I have looked everywhere I can think to look and I can't find out. I am dying to know who the hell that woman is on the commercial. She looks so familiar. If anybody knows can you please please tell me. Or at least point me in the right direction to search.

Call the company, find out what ad agency they used. Then call the ad agency.

hello johnny o. it seems that the location of the DeBeers commerical you are talking about is St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy...or Piazza San Marco
the actress's name in the DeBeers commercial is Dagmara Domincyzk, no kidding, and information about her can be found at celebstation.org. Now does anyone know the name of the actor who portrays her husband?