I'll Say She Is!
Monday, 2 December 2002

Which of these two Simpsons guest stars would be a better visual representation of moi? Your vote will be held in the strictest of confidence.

image from lardlad.com
Posted by ginevra (link)
Thea head of the first on the body of the second.
Sid beat me to it. She gets up earlier.
This is for a wacky family tree made up of Simpsons characters that my brother-in-law is creating. He's Homer, so Jeff gets to be Homer's brother (who was voiced by Danny Devito). The irony here is bro-in-law is not allowed to watch the Simpsons, his wife feels it's a bad influence on their toddler and infant.
*chuckle* The Missus frowns on the fact that the kids and I all race to the living room at 7:29 so we can catch the opening of The Simpsons. Oh well.
Please tell me you're joking. Does his wife know she's Marge? Does she make the Marge noise when he tries to watch it? How come it's not a NASCAR family tree? You could be Pee-Wee Roberts, or Wendall Scott.
Nope, no joke. We gave him season I of The Simpsons on dvd anyway. I don't know if she knows about thie tree yet. When we saw them last summer, the toddler was discouraged from saying "D'oh!", which he quickly picked up from his aunt. In the interest of good family relations, I had to try to restrain myself from using my favorite all-purpose exclamation in front of "The Boy".

Her idea of quality TV for the kids is "The Waltons", which she videotapes for future TV watching when the kids get older. (I'd like to point out that The Simpsons are probably the only TV family that go to church on a regular basis.) Since I have no interest in child-rearing, I suppose I shouldn't make a rush to judgement about this sort of thing. That doesn't mean you have to restrain yourselves from judging, however!

Fortunately, the NASCAR branch of the family is farther removed than that. If a NASCAR family tree was attempted, I wonder who, if anyone, would be represented by Dick Trickle? (snicker)