Get googlized! I did, and learned that, among other things:
karen is in
karen is back
karen is home
karen is a little slut
karen is right
karen is miss february 2002
karen is out of the office
karen is the coolest
karen is currently planning trips to these cities
karen is famous
karen is looking
karen is open and willing to listen to criticism
karen is back posted on saturday
karen is healed
karen is twice as old as lori
karen is speaking in an area near you
karen is exceptional
karen is exposed in health and fitness magazine
karen is a professional researcher
karen is experienced in providing advice for people of all backgrounds and situations
karen is strong
karen is correct
karen is a friend who is there for you always
karen is an active contributor to her community
karen is a kind person
karen is very special and caring
karen is a member of lots of things
karen is so precious for me
karen is an outdoors person
karen is that bad cop
karen is also a highly versatile art and antiques specialist with a broad knowledge in a number of areas
karen is killed
karen is passionate about making a difference in people’s lives
karen is supportive through life
karen is sitting in the wood bin beside her grandma and grandpa kawasaki's fireplace
karen is still in danger
karen lee is an advocate and an educator who believes that the most valuable information on madness comes from mad people themselves
karen lee is given flowers
karen lee is the winner of the danckwerts
karen lee is our cartographer and graphics artist
karen lee is surely my most sensual artist
karen lee is not against voting for the opposition but says she lacks information about it
karen lee is a seasoned performer who always pleases the fans
karen lee is a dear friend who writes magical and charming tales of the modern business world with paranormal twists that would make harry potter envious
karen lee is not impressed
I learned some interesting things about Ginevra, too...
lunchbox is the source of all his hate and disgust to the world
lunchbox is held every friday at noon
lunchbox is legally classified as a deadly weapon
lunchbox is the ultimate solution
jeff is lost
jeff is crazy
jeff is bad
jeff is seriously bummed
jeff is oh shit
jeff is bad created by bryan
jeff is victim of someone's big mouth
jeff is weak against fire
godfrey is dressed up in a monkey suit
godfrey is not yet old enough
godfrey is part screwball comedy
godfrey is cool and distant
godfrey is not nearly as clever as he thinks he is
godfrey is highly inappropriate in view of the fact that he
jeff lee is also working on project moosestang
jeff lee is trying to start up the argument over whether the 21st century begins on 1/1/2000 or 1/1/2001
jeff lee is taking his web log off line