I'll Say She Is!
Friday, 15 November 2002
It's just wrong, I tell you!

This new style of panties for the ladies is currently being hawked at Victoria's Secret:

briefs are for boys, not girls

It's kinda creepy. I mean, if a guy thinks that's sexy, I would hazard a guess that he might also like little boys.

Now, it's okay for girls to wear boxer shorts as pajamas - that's quirky. I happen to have a pair of Spongebob Squarepants boxer shorts for slumber parties. Just like it's okay for women to wear trousers, but not so okay for men to wear dresses, except where it's a cultural thing, and the only instance that springs to mind is kilts.

This topic is getting dangerously close to the subject of cross-dressing men, and I'm not prepared to go there right now. So I'll close by saying, when it comes to underwear, vive le difference!

Posted by ginevra (link)
It doesn't do anything for me, I'm afraid. It just seems... I dunno, I can't describe it other than "weird" or possibly just "wrong."
Yes! It is wrong. Thank you for validating my opinion.