Singing Potatoes
Monday, 11 January 2010
Another year, another set of resolutions to break.
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

This year, I resolve to:

  • Start working on a webcomic, now that I have finally disposed of my last excuse to not do so. Even if nobody reads it. And I will take heart from the fact that 95% of all webcomics looked like utter crap when they started out, and not be discouraged because my art isn't as good as Jeph Jacques' or Lar de Souza's. When they started out... neither was theirs.
  • Practice the rackett, every day if possible. I wanted one for years, and now that I've purchased one, I've been really horrible about practicing it. That will stop. Once Karen's received her PhD and we relocate again, I want to be able to find an early music group to play in, and have an awesome instrument in my arsenal... but it won't do me any good if I can't play it well.
  • Quit restricting myself to 140-character Twitter and Facebook posts. If I have something to say, I'll say it. Even if I don't think anyone will read it, or even if it might piss off people who can't tolerate anyone who thinks differently. Left, right, fundamentalist, militant atheist - I'll probably piss SOMEONE off. Too bad.
  • Finish large projects before agreeing to take on new ones.
  • Be more punctual with household chores.

I suppose the whole list can be summed up with one resolution: Quit being so goddamned lame.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
I am so sorry

The recent New Jersey same-sex marriage decision, and the Proposition 8 hearings, are making me feel a bit guilty.

Karen and I chose not to have children, so the government never should have permitted us to marry. After all, the whole purpose of marriage is procreation, or so I have read many times over the last few years - and letting people marry without procreating somehow irrevocably damages the sanctity of marriage. Had I realized this at the time, obviously I would never have chosen to harm the sanctity of other people's marriages by marrying a woman with whom I did not intend to produce offspring.

I see now that my decision to marry her out of love and a desire to spend the rest of my life with her was a selfish act, and I heartily apologize to everyone whose marriages I have weakened thereby.

Posted by godfrey (link) — Comment
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Okay, so let me get this straight.
I\'m wishing ass cancer on you!

So, let me see if I've got this right. Because Ted Kennedy's seat was won by a Republican, reducing the Democrats' lead in the Senate to a mere eighteen vote majority, they're caving completely and scuttling the healthcare reform that was already gutted to the point where it lay to the right of Nixon's proposed reforms?

Not like they actually used their "supermajority" anyway; they squandered it like the Republicans squandered the former budget surplus. If you ask me, neither party is fit to govern this country.

Posted by godfrey (link) — Comment