Singing Potatoes
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Stynte... hwæt?
It Stinks!

Since being introduced (by the Comics Curmudgeon) to the comic "strip" Pluggers, I have found scant reason to think well of it; though it clearly intends to exalt "salt-of-the-earth" types, it usually ends up backhandedly denigrating them along with the "élites" against whom they are frequently contrasted.

But when reframed as a mediæval "estates satire" and beast fable, it seems almost erudite (especially when translated into Middle English).

Posted by godfrey (link)
Friday, 3 October 2008
All the rage

Apparently, Carl Maria von Weber's Concerto in F Major, Op. 75 is the piece all the bassoonists are posting on the YouTube. This kid does a surprisingly good job at making the virtuosic piece flow quite lyrically.

The rackett should be arriving this month or next month, and assuming it has the range to play it, I think the von Weber piece is one I'd like to work towards. And a friend of mine managed to find a PDF of the score (in Русский, but notes are notes), so I've got something to work from. (If we still lived in Tampa or Tallahassee, the music would be easy to find locally, but would you believe a university which boasts of being one of the ten largest university systems in the country has no music program - and hence no music library - at its flagship campus? Philistines!)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Best Webcomics Excuse Ever
Ha! Ha!

A number of Webcomic artists have trouble sticking to a regular update schedule. Sometimes they blame technology: "My scanner broke", "My computer died", "I couldn't pay the electric bill, so would you please click my PayPal button and donate?" Sometimes they blame illness, or their convention schedule, or visits from family/friends. Sometimes they use the BOFH Excuse Server. Sometimes they don't even bother giving a reason.

But the excuse for why there's no FreakAngels update this week is without question the most imaginative and amusing one I've seen to date.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Monday, 6 October 2008
Further Adventures in Tenancy
Bucky bird

Last Friday, I sent the landlord a certified letter, stating (per Indiana statutes) that he had been informed of issues with the house but had not rectified them; that the letter served as written notice and that if they had not been fixed within a reasonable period of time, we would seek redress in court.

Monday, he came out and put a couple of inches of dirt around the house, which he apparently feels will be enough to keep water from seeping through the unsealed basement walls several feet below ground level.

Friday, someone wearing a T-shirt bearing the landlord's painting company name arrived with a sheet, apparently from the city inspectors, containing several violations which needed to be fixed. He fixed two of them, and promised to come back Sunday to fix the rest.

As we expected, he did not return on Sunday.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Fun election metric
Oceania Flag

The electoral projection Website has an interesting metric in their state-by-state analysis of the election demographics: the Starbucks:Walmart ratio.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Further Adventures in Tenancy
Bucky bird

Landlord's worker showed up this morning, replaced some outlets, went outside to wait for landlord.

Landlord finally showed up, VERY angry. Claimed we were late on rent - he "didn't receive" the certified letter, that he had moved three years ago and the address on the lease was no longer valid. We moved into this house - and got the lease with his mailing address on it - two years ago. He also claimed he had told us he had moved. (If he'd moved a year before we moved in, though, why would he?)

Landlord also claimed that we were not permitted to have pets. We signed a paper when we moved in, listing the names, breeds, sexes and ages of our cats. He claims we never did, "and judges don't go for that sort of thing!"

He took issue with many of the items on the City Inspectors' report and yelled at me about them. But, you know, that's his problem.

After about an hour of fury, he suddenly changed personalities and wanted to "start from scratch" and let bygones be bygones. But then he said "I didn't give you permission to paint the walls," even though he most certainly did.

Posted by godfrey (link)
4 USC 8. Respect for flag

(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.

Sarah Palin desecrates the United States flag

Well, it's nothing we haven't seen before.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

I find the oddest things while following links on Wikipedia. For instance: ...Hiroto Murasawa, professor of beauty and culture at Osaka Shoin Women's University...

The topic I started from was Morton Downey, Jr.; going from link to link, I eventually ended up at Cuteness in Japanese Culture (redirected from Kawaii). Come to think of it, that would be an interesting "Six degrees of Kevin Bacon" type game - given two entirely disparate topics, find the shortest most bizarre route between them.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Ah, but what about Torchwood?

Nielsen has released a rather interesting (if somewhat confusingly formatted) chart, showing the top viewer "engagement" on several channels (i.e. which shows best hold viewer interest).

For the Sci-Fi channel, Doctor Who shows the most engagement amongst Republican viewers, while Tin Man is the most highly engaged amongst Democrats.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Sunday, 26 October 2008
He's a PC
It Stinks!

Interesting interview with John Hodgman at The Onion's AV Club

(Random trivia from the introductory paragraph: Bruce Campbell's former literary agent will have a bit part in the new season of Battlestar Galactica.)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

The wind started to blow pretty hard this weekend. Which was apparently enough to knock out the power on our side of the street.

Hooray for wireless laptops and a UPS for the cable modem and wireless router.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Civil War Soldier

Since Karen started studying rhetoric, I've become more aware of how subtextual messages can be conveyed. For example, in the left-hand sidebar on, "African-Americans" is a separate category from "People".

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Should've taken the day off.
Oceania Flag

I've got to burn 80 FTO hours by the end of the year. Should've taken today, because my productivity always drops on election days. But I've got a Friday deadline on a huge task, and will probably have to drive up to Fort Wayne one day this week, siphoning hours away from my main task.

Happy birthday to Severin.

And my sincerest wishes for victory, to everyone in California and Florida threatened with constitutional second-class-citizen status.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Published by Ostrich Media

I absolutely love the front page of Hernando Today (Brooksville, FL). Local copy here, since the site's slow to respond.

Top headline: Voters Oust Rowden, Kingsley (both Democrats). Only mention of the Presidential election: an infobox showing How Hernando Voted (44,929 for McCain, 41,771 for Obama).

But surely their online edition would have an item about who won the Presidential election, right? Nope. Maybe they think if they don't acknowledge it, it won't be true?

Also: Arizona, Florida, and California, you all suck.

Posted by godfrey (link)