Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 2 February 2008
First attempt

Well, it took me several hours of work over a three-day period, interspersed with many more hours of reading manuals and tutorials, but I've finally produced my first model in Blender:

(Click for larger pic)

Most of that time was spent on texturing; I'm not 100% happy with it yet, but it's more or less acceptable. I think once I get a handle on some of the differences, I'll end up being able to model things much faster than I could with either of the 3D apps I used previously. For what it's worth, I think it came out much better than the communicator I modeled in POV-Ray.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Sunday, 3 February 2008
For the record...
It Stinks!

Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr Pepper is nasty. And just to put that into perspective, I like the taste of Moxie.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Ha! Ha!

There's a Bollywood version of Michael Jackson's Thriller video floating around on the Net. Someone's sibtitled it with a phonetic "translation" back into English; the results are hilarious.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Tuesday, 19 February 2008
Well, at least it's something for the book...

On the highway between Lafayette and Indianapolis, there's this one exit that always catches my notice:

Whitestown / Brownsburg sign

Now, my assumption was that segregation had something to do with the nomenclature, but apparently Whitestown was named after Senator Albert Smith White, and Brownsburg after one of its first settlers, James B. Brown.

However, in the course of looking up that information, I discovered that Brownsburg had been a sundown town - a place where racial minorities were not permitted after the sun had set. I suppose there's some small irony that while Brownsburg is known to have had sundown laws, there's no evidence that Whitestown did. Nonetheless, the whole state has a fairly embarrassing racial history altogether.

I'd never heard of sundown towns before. But all this information fits right into some of the themes I'd planned for the novel I hope to write.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Like I need MORE hobbies?
Condescending Linux user

While searching for something else, I stumbled upon this list of fifty open-source Linux applications (and this follow-up list of fifty more). Many of them I already use, or at least knew about. But there were some which I hadn't heard of before.

Such as Synfig Studio, a 2D animation package which is capable of producing works like this. It was already in the Debian package repository, so it was a simple matter of sudo apt-get install synfig synfigstudio to get it up and running. I've only toyed around with it a little, but its toolset leaves Flash's in the dust. (At least as far as non-interactive animation is concerned.)

Posted by godfrey (link) — 4 comments
Björk Björk Björk!
Ha! Ha!

Ran across the video of Björk's All is full of love, which I'd never seen before. Wonderful visuals, and the behind the scenes video explained why I couldn't tell if it was done with CG, greenscreen or practical robots.

Then I made the mistake of clicking "View all 3295 comments". Jeez. I guess if I ever want to get lots of angry, poorly spelled, barely comprehensible comments on something, I should include a pair of female androids kissing. It's amazing how many people feel threatened by that.

Posted by godfrey (link)