Singing Potatoes
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Left or Right?
Ha! Ha!

Here's an interesting twist on the left-brain/right-brain perception test. Depending on which way you see the dancer turning purportedly indicates whether your left brain or right brain is dominant.

I started out seeing her turning clockwise, but when I looked away to read the text and then looked back, she was turning counterclockwise. I can't make her change direction when I'm looking at her, but if I look away and then look back, she changes.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Awesome, evil toy
Stupid plastic piece of crap!

If I didn't telecommute, I would totally buy one of these.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
Probably ought not watch this at work

Even after Michael Richards's example, celebrities just don't know when to keep their mouths shut: the use of racist language endangers another actress's career (video, NSFW)

Posted by godfrey (link)
Monday, 15 October 2007
Would not buy again.
Electro Shock!

Seen on the appropriately-named the Electric Bath Duck. At least it's grounded for safety.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Just in time for Halloween

Old Time Candy. They've got all the stuff I ate as a kid, including candy cigarettes and Satellite Wafers. It's too late this year to order a batch of nostalgic candy for our Halloween/Octoberfest party, but for next year....

Posted by godfrey (link)
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Ivory-Tower Arrogance
Bucky bird

For one of Karen's school projects, she asked me for a ballpark figure on how much it would cost to build a Web server. I told her around $400, since a Web server doesn't need fancy audio or video cards, or even a monitor, keyboard or mouse.

One of her professors denigrated her proposal in front of the whole class, contemptuously declaring that it would cost at least $1000 for a server powerful enough to run Drupal (his preferred content-management system).

So I ran some specific numbers. At today's prices, and not taking into account any special offers or combo deals, I can get the following from Newegg:

  • ASUS M2N-MX SE motherboard - $54.99
  • AMD Athlon64x2 5200+ Windsor core CPU - $119.00
  • G.SKILL 2GB DDR 800 RAM - $85.99
  • Seagate Barracuda 250GB SATA 3.0Gb/s hard drive - $64.99
  • RAIDMAX Scorpio ATX-868WSP case w/ 420W PS - $50.00

Total cost with shipping added: $398.78. And this is for a machine with a faster CPU than my personal graphics/audio workstation (and the same amount of RAM, albeit half the disk space), using only components from companies I've had positive experiences with. This is also a more powerful machine than one which (according to the Drupal forums) survived a simultaneous Slashdotting and Digging with no problems. But nevertheless it's $600 shy of being powerful enough to run an English department Web site?

I guess maybe being a university English professor doesn't give you expertise in every field after all.

Posted by godfrey (link)
I love Mondays
Smile Time!

Not only is a new Heroes on, but the latest episode of Dexter is generally available for viewing by those of us without Showtime.

And speaking of Dexter, I read the first two novels over the weekend. There were definitely quite a few changes... but I think the series did a great job of turning the first book into an entire season's worth of episodes, and fleshing out a number of the minor characters.

But one thing from the novels that didn't seem to make it into the series was Dexter's observation that Vince Masuoka is also pretending to be human (yet he doesn't trigger the same suspicion from Doakes). But the second novel (which is apparently not the basis for the second season) did explain a plotline from the first season which seems to have simply been dropped, which was the shooting Doakes was involved in.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Fun with Subtitles
Ha! Ha! I am on the Intarweb!

I've been playing a lot of iSketch recently, so I really got a kick out of this video: Hitler Banned from iSketch.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Monday, 29 October 2007
Yeah, THAT'S useful.
Stupid plastic piece of crap!

Wacom makes a bluetooth graphics tablet which gives you "up to 30 feet of wireless freedom".

Perfect for people with 72-inch monitors.

Posted by godfrey (link)
No Longer a Joke
Ha! Ha!

I'm sure everyone's heard the joke about the person who calls technical support because his computer's drink holder is broken. And now that could actually happen.

Posted by godfrey (link)