Singing Potatoes
Saturday, 3 March 2007
Must be nice to be a celebrity.

I can't say who it was, and I can't say what I did. And I'll have to delete any comment which correctly identifies the person, but today I was put on a high priority task to fix something for someone whose name has (at least amongst some of my friends) gained adjectival status.

Now, I fix these things all the time. If this particular problem crops up on my daily report, I fix it. It's just interesting that this person didn't have to wait until the next business day to get his problem fixed, like you or I would. But on the other hand, our names aren't used as adjectives, either.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 11 comments
Sunday, 4 March 2007
Antique-store find
Condescending Linux user

While browsing through an antique store today, I came across a collection of early 20th-century labels for patent medicines and cosmetics. I bought a few of them, scanned them in and put them up on my site for those who are interested in such things. They might make good props for steampunk or Call of Cthulhu games, among other things.

Dr. Lynas' Antiseptic

To scan them in, I set up my new scanner on one of my Linux machines, and installed SANE, which is the Linux equivalent of Windows TWAIN (Technology Without An Interesting Name). SANE stands for "Scanner Access Now Easy", which is a bit of a lie. Partly this was because there was no entry for my scanner in the definition file, but also I had to muck about with device permissions, access groups, inetd configuration and so forth. And I had to reboot before it started working.

I hate saying this, but TWAIN has the advantage in setup; just install a device driver, plug in the scanner and go. On the other hand, SANE lets you plug the scanner into one machine and scan from another, so once you've actually managed to get it set up, it's quite a bit more useful in a networked environment.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments
Wednesday, 7 March 2007
It Stinks!

Michael York turned down the lead role in The Wicker Man?

Michael York turned down a role?

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Friday, 16 March 2007
Trailers Always Lie
It Stinks!

Despite how its trailers make it look, Premonition is nowhere close to being like Daybreak or Memento. I haven't felt this gypped at the movies in a long time. Spoilerrific review in the comments.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Monday, 19 March 2007
This is why I read Webcomics.
Condescending Linux user

On PVP today, the cartoonist blogged about an application called teleport, which allows users to control two or more Macs seamlessly with one keyboard and mouse, without using a KVM switch. Just move your mouse past the edge of one screen and it jumps to the other one, and your keyboard controls whichever computer the mouse is on. Possibly more exciting is the fact that the clipboard is shared as well; you can copy text from one computer and paste it into the other, drag and drop files from one to the other, and so forth.

And as someone posted in the comments, there's a similar application on SourceForge, synergy, which does mostly the same thing — drag and drop isn't supported yet — but it's cross-platform amongst Mac, Windows and Linux. It took about five minutes to download, install and configure. I've been wanting the ability to cut-and-paste between two computers ever since I started running Windows and Linux side-by-side on my desktop.

Now I just have to get out of the habit of hitting <CTRL><CTRL><1> and <CTRL><CTRL><2> whenever I need to switch between machines.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Tuesday, 27 March 2007
Bucky bird

Stopped in at Home Depot to see if they had anything like Cat-B-Gone to dissuade the neighborhood stray from making its way into our yard and taunting our cats.

We'd gotten maybe three feet inside the door when an employee approached. "Finding everything okay?" he asked.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 28 March 2007
And a better punchline than Garfield's ever had...
It Stinks!

A couple of days ago, someone on Fark linked to The Comics Curmudgeon blog — reminiscent of the Baltimore City Paper's long-defunct Funny Paper feature ("We read the comics so you don't have to!") — and in my usual obsessive-compulsive fashion, I've been reading my way through the entire archives.

One entry a couple of years ago included a snippet of dialogue from Golden Girls, which I thought was actually quite funny:

Blanche: I love my comics. Every day, Marmaduke and Apartment 3-G.
Dorothy: I haven't read Apartment 3-G since...1962.
Blanche: Oh, well, let me catch you up! It is later that same day...

Also in the funny-'cause-it's-true department: a take on B.C. by the writer of Sally Forth.

The Comics Curmudgeon also introduced me to two strips I'd never encountered before: Pluggers, the overarching theme of which appears to be "Real Americans pride themselves on having narrow minds and living in squalor", and They'll Do It Every Time!, which is like a bitter octogenarian's blog translated into cartoon format.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 3 comments