Singing Potatoes
Friday, 5 January 2007
Now I've seen it all

AA batteries that you can plug into a USB slot to recharge. Not a charger for regular rechargeable batteries... batteries which you pull the top off and stick directly into the USB slot.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
The shifting balance of power
Condescending Linux user

Karen's motherboard died, and we went in to Indianapolis to buy a replacement at Fry's. Naturally, nothing made these days supports her existing CPU and memory, so we had to replace those as well.

After the money was spent, Karen decided that she didn't really need both a laptop and a desktop computer. So I gleefully appropriated her unwanted hardware and installed 64-bit Debian Etch on it.

For the first time, I now have a Linux machine that's more powerful than my Windows workhorse. At least until the parts arrive for my dual-core upgrade.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment
Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Would someone mind telling me why a package shipped via UPS "Three-Day Select" shows an estimated arrival time of five business days after the shipping date?

Also, on an unrelated note, eBay vendors who charge $20 to mail an item which cost a grand total of $8.10 in postage — in a box provided by the USPS at no charge — should die like pigs in Hell.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 2 comments
Wednesday, 10 January 2007
Oven Fury
Cup of Rum

After only two letters to the landlord (he thought the first one was "just a blank piece of paper the rent check was wrapped in"),1 we have a new stove, which looks like it's at least a decade newer than the previous one (on which only two burners worked and the oven ran at least a hundred degrees hotter than the dial was set to).

To celebrate, we shall dine out at the Lafayette Brewing Company.

1. The second letter had the check stapled to it, and quoted the relevant sections of the Indiana Code dealing with landlord obligations. I'm not sure which of those two facts did the trick.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Thursday, 11 January 2007
Oh, the humanity!
Jet Engine

Yesterday, the parts for my Windows computer upgrade arrived. "Just a simple thing," I thought. "Pop out the old components, pop in the new ones, badda bing, badda bang, badda boom."

Badda boom, all right.

When I upgraded Theseus the last time, with all sorts of blinkenlights and gauges, I'd had the bright idea to cable-tie everything nice and neat to improve the airflow. Which worked wonders, but it took me the better part of two days to clip off all the cable ties, take out all the parts (and label the ones that had to go back in), clean out the dust, fur, and dead moth (take THAT, Admiral Grace Hopper!), put in the new hardware, rewire all the blinkenlights, and cable-tie everything back down.

And then it wouldn't boot.

It hung at "Verifying DMI Pool Data", which generally means a master boot record issue. No problem, I pulled out the XP disk, entered repair mode, and ran FIXMBR. No boot. I went to repair mode again, ran FIXBOOT... no dice.

Alas, it looks like the only thing I can do is reinstall. Which means reinstalling all the applications as well. Fortunately, I have one drive for Windows and programs, and keep all my data on two other drives, so formatting my Windows drive won't wipe out any data. Also, every time I download a new program (or an update to commercial software), I keep a copy of the installer in a directory on one of my data drives — so reinstalling shouldn't be that much of a hassle. The only thing I'm worried about is the programs that register themselves with their companies, and only permit one copy to be registered; I hope they have an easy mechanism for revoking the activations...

I was really tempted to convert it to Linux, but I do need one Windows machine around. Well, at least I can try out 64-bit XP Professional now.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Insult to Injury
Cup of Rum

Grisoft does not provide a free version of its AVG Antivirus product for 64-bit Windows. Only for 32-bit.

Well, they've done such a good job, I suppose I'll pony up the dough. But I wonder what other apps I'll run into problems with...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Monday, 15 January 2007
Giving up.
Condescending Linux user

I tried, I really did. I figured that with brand-new dual-core 64-bit hardware, I might as well take more advantage of the machine by putting on a 64-bit version of Windows XP.

And I suppose it's fine if you're only using Microsoft's own applications — Internet Explorer, Outlook/Outlook Express, Office, and so forth — but I do too many things that rely on 32 bits (foremost among them SONAR). Sure, SONAR comes in a 64-bit version as well, but all of my plugins — instrument libraries, convolution reverbs, audio and MIDI FX — are 32-bit, and SONAR won't use them (not to mention that there are only beta drivers available for my audio hardware).

And many other programs are markedly more unstable under 64-bit Windows than 32-bit. I've struggled for four days to get things running — including contacting tech support at Cakewalk — and I'm just going to have to throw in the towel and reformat, install 32-bit XP Professional, and reinstall all the applications again. Which is not a pleasant prospect, but it's better than bashing my head against this particular wall any longer.

I will just note that I haven't had anywhere near this much trouble running 32-bit Linux apps on my 64-bit Debian Etch machine — just a problem with GTK apps not displaying any text, which I assume is a configuration issue which I haven't been arsed to track down yet.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Yet another computer
Condescending Linux user

Built another computer out of mostly spare parts yesterday (I got a motherboard from eBay of the same model which fried when Karen's power supply went south). I called the new machine athena, because I have another machine with nearly identical hardware named boomer.

Posted by godfrey (link) — 1 comment