Singing Potatoes
Monday, 3 June 2002
Sehr interessant, aber dumm.

This weekend, Karen and I went and had lunch at our favorite German restaurant. As part of the dining experience, they play German music over the restaurant's sound system. Occasionally, something weird comes on. This weekend, it was Speedy Gonzales, sung entirely in German. I didn't realize until I looked it up for the link that it was a Pat Boone song. Somehow that makes it even more surreal.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Geek Humor

Every time I see an "Assembly of God" church, I want to start one called "Higher-Level Language of God". But then I figure God would just program directly on the metal, and wouldn't even need an assembler, let alone a compiler, so I shut up.

Posted by godfrey (link)

Nissan has an ad for a 4x4 trucks, wherein a UFO hovers over a bleak landscape, using a tractor beam to pick up various heavy metallic objects. Naturally, the Nissan 4x4 proves to be too much for the UFO to handle — but as the truck is fighting back against the tractor beam, a little caption on the bottom of the screen reads, Do not attempt. Professional driver on closed course.

So it's good to know that one shouldn't try to escape from a UFO abduction in a Nissan 4x4.

There's also a commercial — I didn't catch the name of the advertiser — which shows a close-up of an eye, with the pupil dilating every time a clicking is heard (eventually revealing a woman looking at a computer screen as she views various diamond jewelry). The voice-over says something like "There are many things which cause the human eye to dilate, but none as much as love."

Apparently, whoever wrote the commercial never went to an eye exam and had those drops put in, because love has never made my pupils dilate all the way out to the edge of the iris like those drops did.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Tuesday, 4 June 2002
Savior of the Universe

Yesterday, browsing old links on Fark, I came across the Flash "video" done by Spümco (of Ren and Stimpy fame) for Tenacious D's song, Fuck Her Gently. Oddly enough, the video linked from Fark is different than the one on Tenacious D's official site — in the former, the succubus is wearing a bra top, rather than going bare-breasted. (Which, given the fact that the lyrics contain the word "fuck" about once every five seconds, and that the entire song is about sex, doesn't make a whole lot of sense; is covering up a pair of cartoon tits really going to make it any less offensive?)

Anyway, I love Flash animations. I especially enjoy taking them apart to see if any easter eggs are hidden inside, and this one didn't disappoint. For example, towards the end of the video, when the two horny putti are hard at work "on the job", the animators had a little fun putting in an anatomical detail that was supposed to remain obscured behind the salacious cherubim.

Pussy shot

Click the image above to see what was underneath the putti (image will open in a new window).

The devil melting at the end is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a Flash animation. No, I think it's the coolest thing I've seen in a Flash animation. On a tangent, I might have to add TNN to my cable channels next year, if only just to see the new episodes of Ren and Stimpy produced with John Kricfalusi back at the helm.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Wednesday, 5 June 2002

Less than five weeks after I bought Finale, Coda Music Systems released a new version. Fortunately, since I bought the Finale 2002 within 45 days of Finale 2003's release, Coda was good enough to let me upgrade for only the cost of shipping and handling.

Every once in a while, there's a company that puts customer satisfaction above squeezing every penny out for the bottom line. If only there were more like them.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Thursday, 6 June 2002
Well, damn.

I had decided that, if I ever decided to make a CD of my own music, I'd do it under the "band" name Syllabub. I figured nobody else would use the name of an 18th-century whipped-cream-and-lemon-zest dessert for a rock band.

I was wrong.

Well, there's always Crucial Pickle, I suppose...

Posted by godfrey (link)
Great place to live

It's hard to believe that a place with a name like this actually exists.

Posted by godfrey (link)
Monday, 17 June 2002

Last Thursday, Eudora locked up while trying to retrieve my email. This generally occurs if, for some reason, my site isn't responding — so I tried to call up a page on my site, which timed out. So I tried pinging it. No response. I tried a traceroute, which stopped at the machine just before mine.

So I called the tech support line at my Webhosting service (, and they said it appeared to be a server issue, and they'd look into it.

When I got home, my wife had taken a phone call from someone who claimed that OCHosting had gone out of business, and would I like to sign up with them instead? This sounded fishy, so I called OCHosting again, and got a recording confirming that they had, indeed, gone out of business. Nice of them to tell their customers!

So I moved to C I Host, whose services OCHosting was merely reselling. They moved the page content over relatively quickly, though it took them some time to actually copy over the MySQL databases. And I've apparently got to rebuild my .bashrc and .htaccess files on my own, and wait for the DNS changes to propagate. Sigh.

Thanks, OCHosting. Smegheads.

Posted by godfrey (link)