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How to search a Piece of Ordnance,
to discover whether there be any
Flaws, Cracks or Hony-combs
in the Piece.

IN a clear Sun-shiny day, take a Piece of Looking-glass, and reflect the Beams of the Sun into the Cavity of the Piece, by the means of which a clear Light will appear within the Piece, by which you may discover any Flaw or Honey-Comb therein.

Another Way.

Take a long Stick with a slit at the End of it, and put an End of Candle lighted, and put it into the Cylender, turning the Stick every way ; and you may very well discover Flaws or Honey-Combs, if there be any in the Piece.

Another Way to discover Cracks.

Immediatly after you have discharg'd your Piece, let one be ready with a Tomkin to clap into the Mouth of the Piece, with a Piece of Sheep-skin wrapped about the Muzzle of the Piece, and the same time let one stop the Touch-hole; and if there be any Crack through the Metal a visible Smoak will appear.

Another Way.

If you strike a Piece of Ordnance with a smart stroke, with a Hammer on the Outside, and if you hear a hoarse sound, it is an evident Sign the Piece is not sound, but there is some Crack in it.

But if after every stroak with the Hammer you hear a clear sound, you may certainly conclude the Piece to be sound.

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