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The Schoole of Musicke.

    A young beginner (although this were Semiquauer tyme) shall in the despight of his hart, make euery stroke a Semibrefe, & then as he multiplyeth in perfectnes, so he shal multiply in fastnesse of tyme, wherby is to be noted, that from one time all other are multiplyed & doubled, as for example. This long stroke here | is in Tableture, a Semibrefe, which by adding of one dash to the top, as thus, \ maketh it double his type, that is twice as fast a tyme as it was before. And by adding one dash more to that dash thus, \\ maketh it yet as fast againe as the second:& by adding a third dash thus, \\\ maketh it yet as fast againe as the same.And by adding the fourth dash thus, \\\\ doubleth the time before him:whose names are as followeth.
A Semibrefe.
A Minim.
A Cratchet.
A Quauer.
A Semiquauer.
    So that you see two Minims go to a Semibrefe, as thus; [semibrefe above two minims] two Cratchets to a Minim, as thus; [minim above two cratchets] two quauers to a Cratchet, as thus. [cratchet above two quavers] And two Semiquauers to a Quauer, as thus, [quaver above two semiquavers] All which multiply the Semibrefe, as heere you see.
[pyramid of relationship]

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