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Click on a book's title for more information about the book; to view or download a book, click on the book's title from the detail page. (Adobe Acrobat Reader v5.0 or better required.) Alamode Musician, The, Playford, Henry (ed.); 1698 (14 pp., 1.4 MB) Alehouse License, Anonymous; ca. 1625-1649 (1 pp., 0.1 MB) Book of Dravving, Limning, VVashing, A, Jenner, Thomas; 1652 (2147483647 pp., 6.2 MB) Book of the ordre of chyualry, The, Llull, Ramon; 1484 (99 pp., 6.0 MB) Booke of Pretty Conceits, The, Anonymous; ca. 1650 (23 pp., 1.8 MB) Booke of Secrets, A, Anonymous; 1596 (37 pp., 3.8 MB) Briefe and a playne introduction [to Welsh], A, Salesburye, W.; 1550 (39 pp., 2.3 MB) Captain Humes Poeticall Musicke, Hume, Tobias; 1607 (29 pp., 2.9 MB) Catch Club, The, Purcell, Henry et al.; 1762 (ca.) (100 pp., 7.7 MB) Closet for Ladies and Gentlewomen, A (Excerpts), Anonymous; 1627 (25 pp., 1.6 MB) Cobler Turned Courtier, The, Anonymous; 1680 (8 pp., 0.9 MB) Courtly Masquing Ayres, Adson, John; 1621 (76 pp., 7.8 MB) Discription of a Maske, Campion, Thomas; 1607 (34 pp., 2.0 MB) English Dictionarie, The, Cockeram, Henrie; 1647 (169 pp., 13.7 MB) Epistle Dedicatory, Wright, James; 1678 (15 pp., 0.7 MB) Familiar Dialogves, Bellot, Jacques; 1586 (101 pp., 7.8 MB) Feminine Monarchie, The, Butler, Charles; 1609 (238 pp., 16.9 MB) First Part of Ayres, The, Hume, Tobias; 1605 (64 pp., 7.2 MB) First Set of English Madrigals, The, Wilbye, John; 1598 (357 pp., 8.3 MB) Gentlemans Academie, The (Book Three), Markham, Gervase; 1595 (108 pp., 7.0 MB) Handbook of Wood Engraving, Emerson, William A.; 1881 (101 pp., 3.6 MB) Introduction to the Skill of Musick, Playford, John; 1655 (129 pp., 8.4 MB) Musicall Dreame, A, Jones, Robert; 1609 (48 pp., 4.6 MB) Needles Excellency, The, Taylor, John; 1631 (42 pp., 5.8 MB) Nevv Booke of Tabliture, A, Barley, William; 1596 (50 pp., 4.3 MB) New Booke of Hands, A, 'F. B.'; 1611 (41 pp., 2.4 MB) Of Counterpoint, Campion, Thomas; 1670 (24 pp., 1.5 MB) Pennsylvania Magazine, The, Aitken, Robert (ed.); 1775 (January) (53 pp., 4.2 MB) Polygraphice (Excerpts), Salmon, William; 1673 (93 pp., 7.2 MB) Prime Musiche Nuove, Notari, Angelo; 1613 (20 pp., 2.8 MB) Royal American Magazine, The, Anonymous; 1774, January (40 pp., 2.9 MB) Schoole of Mvsicke, The, Robinson, Thomas; 1603 (55 pp., 6.5 MB) Sea-Gunner, The (excerpts), Seller, John; 1691 (80 pp., 4.4 MB) Sea-Mans Grammar and Dictionary, Smith, John; 1691 (182 pp., 7.2 MB) Sex Lingvarvm (Excerpt), Valerius, Cornelius; 1549 (6 pp., 0.5 MB) Six Dialogues (excerpt), Boteler, Nathaniel; 1685 (47 pp., 2.4 MB) Strange Histories, Delone, Thomas; 1612 (93 pp., 4.7 MB) Tales, and quicke answeres, Anonymous; 1535? (89 pp., 5.3 MB) Treatise of Daunses, A, Anonymous; 1581 (1.4 MB) Trve Copie of a Letter, The, Elizabeth I; 1586 (8 pp., 0.5 MB) Varietie of Lute-Lessons, Dowland, Robert; 1610 (71 pp., 9.0 MB) Vox Juvenilis, Read, Charles; 1681 (4 pp., 0.4 MB) XII. Wonders of the World, Maynard, John; 1612 (37 pp., 3.2 MB) |