A nevv Booke of Tabliture, Containing sundrie easie and familiar Instructions, shewing hovve to attaine to the knovvledge, to guide and dispose thy hand to play on sundry Instruments, as the Lute, Orpharion, and Bandora: Together vvith diuers nevv Lessons to each of these Instruments. |
Barley, William |
London; 1596 |
50 pp., 4.3 MB |
Music -- Instruction |
VVhereunto is added an introduction to Prickesong, and certaine familliar rules of Descant, with other necessarie Tables plainely shewing the true vse of the Scale or Gamut, and also how to set any Lesson higher or lower at your pleasure.
Collected together out of the best Authors professing the practise of these Instruments. |
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