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Scientology document index   These pages contain transcriptions of newspaper articles pertaining to Scientology's intelligence operations against individuals and other organizations.

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Scientology lawyer threatens lawsuit

(St. Petersburg Times -- September 13, 1987)


      A representative of the Church of Scientology hand-delivered a letter to the St. Petersburg Times that threatened to sue the newspaper if it wrote a story about the book L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman? by Bent Corydon.

      In the letter, Scientology lawyer Timothy Bowles cited evidence allegedly held by the church "that your paper has a deep-seated bias against the Church and that you intend to hit the Church hard with this review," and accused the newspaper of intending "to attack and denigrate the Church through any vehicle you find available."

      Bowles threatened action against the Times for libel, slander, conspiracy, and violation of civil rights if it should "forward one of [Corydon's] lies."

      "If you publish anything at all on it, you may still find yourself defending charges in court in light of what we know about your intentions. We know a whole lot more about your institution and motives than you think," the letter concluded.

This page is maintained by Jeff Lee <godfrey@shipbrook.net>

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