S there is not any thing in this world more acceptable vnto God, (most
gracious Soueraigne) then a contrite heart: so I presume that there
is not any thing in this world (next to the loue of God) more acceptable vnto
your Majestie, then a true and loyall subject. Thus vsing this perswasion,
for a sure argument of your Majesties gracious acceptance, I presume to
manifest my selfe, a most true and Ioyall subject vnto your Majestie. In
token whereof, I haue gathered the chiefe of my treasurie, the which in most
humble and obedient manner, I present vnto your Highnesse: beseeching your
Highnesse not to mislike your subject, for the subject, sith it is for the
good of all your Majesties louing subjects. The Art is deuine, the
Instrument laudable, my Meaning good, my Skill drownde
in the depth of Catoes wordes (who saith) Nec te collaudes, nec te
culpaueris ipse. And yet I can say for my selfe, that once I was thought
(in Denmarke at Elsanure) the fittest to instruct your
Majesties Queene, our most gracious Ladie and Mistres. Thus prostrating my selfe at your Majesties feet, incessantlie crauing pardon for my bold attempt, I rest. Restles in praier, for your Graces welfare, both now and euer. |
Your Majesties most loyall and obedient subject, Thomas Robinson. |