Meet all, take each others Wo. by both hands, two slips to the
left, and two to the right, change places, turn your own once and
a halfe Meet again, turn each others Wo. to your
places, turn your own
Men change places, We. change places, set and turn S. We. change places, men change places, set and turn S.
Lead each others Wo. to the left hand, fall a D. back, and turn
your own Back, all meet again, set and turn S.
Men go to the right hand, and back again, the We. going to the
left, turn each others We. We. meet and back, men go
the S. Hey, and to your places
Put each others Wo. back by both hands, slip to the right hand;
fall down on the contrary side, set and turn S. slip between each other to your places, put them
backward and forward by both hands, set and turn S.
One man cast off with the Co. Wo. the other following then they
cast off the other way, the other following, to your places Then halfe the S. Hey, turn your own, fall all a brest
to the presence