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M A S K E,
Presented before the Kinges Maiestie
at White-Hall, on Twelfth Night
last, in honour of the Lord H A Y E S, and
his Bride , Daughter and Heire to the
Honourable the Lord D E N N Y E, their
Marriage hauing been the same Day
at Court solemnized,

To this by occasion other small Poemes
are adioyned,

Inuented and set forth by T H O M A S
C A M P I O N Doctor of Phisicke.

Imprinted by I O H N W I N D E T for I O H N B R O W N
and are to be solde at his shop in S. Dunstones
Churchyeard in Fleetstreet.       I607.

To the Right Vertuous, and Hono-
rable,the Lord and Lady HAYES
SHould I presume to separate you now,
That were so lately ioyn'de by holy vow?
For whome this golden dreame which I report,
Begot so many waking eyes at Court,
And for whose grace so many nobles chang'd,
Their names and habites from themselues estrang'd?
Accept together, and together view
This little worke which all belongs to you,
And liue together many blessed dayes,
To propagate the honour'd name of HAYES.

Haredem (vt spes est) pariet noua nupta Scot'Anglum,
      Quem gignet post hac ille, Britannus erit,
Sicnoua posteritas ex regnis orta duobus,
      Vtrinquè egregios nobilitabit auos.

Description of a Maske presented
before the Kinges Maiestie at White
Hall, on twelft night last, in honour
of the Lord H A Y E S, and his Bride, daugh-
ter, and heire to the Honourable the Lord
DENNYE, their mariage hauing been
the same day at Court solemnized.
AS in battailes, so in all other actions that are to bee reported, the first, and most necessary part is the discription of the place, with his oportunities, and properties, whether they be naturall, or artificiall. The greate hall ( wherein the Maske was presented) receiued this diuision, and order: The vpper part where the cloth & chaire of State were plac't, had scaffoldes and seates on eyther side continued to the skreene; right before it was made a partition for the dauncing place; on the right hand whereof were consorted ten Musitions, with Basse and Meane Lutes, a Bandora, a double Sack-bott, and an Harpsicord, with two treble Violins; on the other side somewhat neerer the skreene were plac't 9. Violins and three Lutes, and to answere both the Consorts (as it were in a triangle) sixe Cornets, and sixe Chappell voyces, were seated almost right against them, in a place raised higher in respect of the pearcing sound of those Instruments; eighteen foote from the skreen, an other Stage was raised higher by a yearde then that which was prepared for dancing: This higher Stage was all enclosed with a double vale, so artificially painted, that it seemed as if darke clouds had hung before it : within that shrowde was concealed a greene valley, with greene trees round about it, and in the midst of them nine golden trees of fifteene foote high, with armes and braunches very glorious to behold : From the which groue toward the State was made a broade descent to the dauncing place, iust in the midst of it; on either hand were two ascents, like the sides of two hilles, drest with shrubbes and trees; that on the right hand leading to the bowre of Flora: the other to the house of Night; which bowre and house were plac't opposite at either end of the skreene, and betweene them both was raised a hill, hanging like a cliffe ouer the groue belowe, and on the top of it a goodly large tree was set, supposed to be the tree of Diana; behind the which toward the window was a small descent, with an other spreading hill that climed vp to the toppe of the window, with many trees on the height of it, whereby those that played on the Hoboyes at the Kings entrance into the hall were shadowed : The bowre of Flora was very spacious, garnisht with all kind of flowers, and flowrie branches with lights in them ; the house of Night ample, and stately, with blacke pillors, whereon many starres of gold were fixt : within it when it was emptie, appeared nothing but cloudes and starres, and on the top of it stood three Turrets vnderpropt with small blacke starred pillers, the middlemost being highest and greatest, the other two of equall proportion : about it were plac't on wyer artificial Battes, and Owles continually mouing : with many other inuentions, the which for breuitie sake I passe by with silence.
    Thus much for the place, and now from thence let vs come to the persons.

    The Maskers names were these, (whom both for order and honour I mention in the first place.
1   Lord Walden.
2   Sir Thomas Howard.
3   Sir Henrie Carey, Master of the Iewell house.
4   Sir Richard Preston,    \    Gent. of the K. priuie Chamber.
5   Sir Iohn Ashley,/
6   Sir Thomas Iarret Pentioner
7   Sir Iohn Digby, one of the Kings Caruers.
8   Sir Thomas Badger, Master of the Kings Hariers.
9   Maister Goringe.

    Their number Nine, the best and amplest of numbers, for as in Musicke seuen notes containe all varietie, the eight being in nature the same with the first, so in numbring after the ninth we begin againe, the tenth beeing as it were the Diappason in Arithmetick. The number of 9. is famed by the Muses, and Worthies , and it is of all the most apt for chaunge, and diuersitie of proportion. The chiefe habit which the Maskers did vse, is set forth to your view in the first leafe : They presented in their fayned persons the Knights of Apollo, who is the father of heat, and youth, and consequently of amorous affections.

The Speakers were in number foure.

F L O R A the Queene of Flowers, attired in a changeable Taffatie Gowne, with a large vale embrodered with flowers, a Crowne of flowers, and white buskins painted with flowers.
    Z E P H Y R V S in a white loose robe of sky coloured Taffatie, with a mantle of white silke prop't with wyre, stil wauing behind him as he moued; on his head hee wore a wreath of Palme deckt with Primmeroses and Violets, the hayre of his head and beard were flaxen, and his buskins white, and painted with flowers.
    N I G H T in a close robe of blacke silke & gold, a blacke mantle embrodered with starres, a crowne of starres on her head, her haire blacke and spangled with gold, her face blacke, her buskins blacke, and painted with starres, in her hand shee bore a blacke wand, wreathed with gold.
    H E S P E R V S in a close robe of a deep crimson Taffatie mingled with skye colour, and ouer that a large loose robe of a lighter crimson taffatie, on his head he wore a wreathed band of gold, with a starre in the front thereof, his haire and beard red, and buskins yellow.
    These are the principall persons that beare sway in this inuention, others that are but secunders to these, I will describe in their proper places, discoursing the Maske in order as it was performed.
    As soone as the King was entred the great Hall, the Hoboyes (out of the wood on top of the hil) entertained the time till his Maiestie and his trayne were placed, and then after a little expectation the consort of ten began to play an Ayre, at the sound wherof the vale on the right hand was withdrawne, and the ascent of the hill with the bower of Flora were discouered, where Flora & Zepherus were busily plucking flowers from the Bower, and throwing them into two baskets, which two Siluans held, who were attired in changeable Taffatie, with wreathes of flowers on their heads. As soone as the baskets were filled, they came downe in this order, First Zepherus and Flora, then the two Siluans with baskets after them: Foure Siluans in greene taffatie, and wreathes, two bearing meane Lutes, the third a base Lute, and the fourth a deepe Bandora.
    As soone as they came to the discent toward the dauncing place, the consort of tenne ceac't, and the foure Siluans playd the same Ayre, to which Zepherus and the two other Siluans did sing these words in a base, Tenor, and treble voyce, and going vp and downe as they song, they strowed flowers all about the place.

Song. NOw hath Flora rob'd her bowers
To befrend this place with flowers;
      Strowe aboute, strowe aboute,
The Skye rayn'd neuer kindlyer Showers.
Flowers with Bridalls well agree,
Fresh as Brides, and Bridgromes be,
      Strowe aboute, strowe aboute,
    And mixe them with fit melodie.
      Earth hath no Princelier flowers
Then Roses white, and Roses red,
But they must still be mingled.
And as a Rose new pluckt from
Venus thorne
So doth a Bride her Bride groomes bed adorne.

Diuers diuers Flowers affect
For some priuate deare respect,
      Strowe about, strow about,
Let euery one his owne protect.
But hees none of
Floras friend
That will not the Rose commend.
      Strow about, strow about,
Let Princes
Princely flowers defend.
      Roses the Gardens pride,
Are flowers for loue, and flowers for Kinges,
In courts desir'd, and Weddings.
And as a Rose in
Venus bosome worne,
So doth a Bridegroome his Brides bed adorne.
The Musique ceaseth, and
Flora speaks.

Flora   FLowers and good wishes Flora doth present,
Sweete flowers the ceremonious ornament
Of maiden mariage, Beautie figuring,
And blooming youth, which though we careles fling
About this sacred place, let none prophane
Thinke that these fruits from common hils are tane,
Or Vulgar vallies which do subject lie
To winters wrath, and cold mortalitie.
But these are hallowed and immortall flowers
Floras hands gather'd from Floras bowres.
Such are her presents, endles, as her loue,
And such for euer may this nights ioy proue.

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