My very first Java applet

This is sort of what you'd see, if your browser supported Java. You would also hear a stretching sound to complement the image.

Wow, what an ambitious applet, eh? Admittedly, it was more fun with the appletviewer, since it would resize itself to whatever the window was, but it's still no great shakes.

I had set aside the weekend to go through the book teach yourself JAVA in 21 days (and succeeded), but sometime on Saturday, I broke off on my own for a little while and wrote this.

If you're using the OS/2 Netscape beta, click here to see a less aesthetically pleasing version of this page (albeit one that may work better on such a tragically flawed browser).

And, yes, that really is my face being stretched there. It's not a morphed image, or a foam latex prosthetic. I really am that freaky.

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